
Indicate whether the driver was trapped in their vehicle, and if so, whether they were freed by’ mechanical’ or ‘non-mechanical’ means.


Indicates whether the occupant is structurally prohibited from leaving the interior of the motor vehicle without manipulation as a result of a crash.


Collecting this data is necessary for evaluating the effectiveness of vehicle design and occupant protection equipment.

Code Attribute Definition
0 Not Trapped Indicates the motor vehicle occupant was not trapped inside the vehicle.
1 Freed by Mechanical Means Indicates the motor vehicle occupant was trapped inside the vehicle and freed using a mechanical device.
2 Freed by Non-Mechanical Means Indicates the motor vehicle occupant was trapped inside the vehicle and freed without using a mechanical device.
99 Unknown If this attribute is used, an explanation in the narrative is recommended.


If the driver was not trapped in their vehicle, please record code 0 (Not Trapped).

Data Quality Audit Results

Report Type Acceptable Inconsistent Invalid Empty
Local Police (electronic) 580 97.5% 6 1.0% 9 1.5%
Local Police (paper) 550 90.0% 4 0.7% 1 0.2% 56 9.2%
State Police (electronic) 602 96.9% 1 0.2% 18 2.9%
Total 1732 94.8% 11 0.6% 1 0.1% 83 4.5%
Report Type Acceptable Inconsistent Invalid Empty
Local Police (electronic) 120 96.0% 1 0.8% 4 3.2%
Local Police (paper) 138 92.6% 11 7.4%
State Police (electronic) 66 75.0% 22 25.0%
Total 324 89.5% 1 0.3% 37 10.2%

The field Driver Trapped was completed in an acceptable manner in nearly 95 percent of the reports reviewed, with each of the three submission types deemed acceptable at least 90 percent of the time. The biggest issue was with paper submissions from local police, as those reports had an empty Driver Trapped field about 9 percent of the time. Similar to the Driver Ejected field, auditors indicated that often times, if the driver was not trapped, officers left this field empty. The Passenger Trapped field was found to be acceptably complete in 90 percent of reports reviewed. State Police had the highest percentage of reports deemed unacceptable, with 25 percent of reports reviewed having an empty field. This was true for most passenger fields in this section of the crash report. Auditors indicated that if there were no passenger injuries, this section was often left incomplete.