Trapped Code

Instructions: Indicate whether the driver was trapped in their vehicle, and if so, whether they were freed by’ mechanical’ or ‘non-mechanical’ means. Definition: Indicates whether the occupant is structurally prohibited from leaving the interior of the motor vehicle without manipulation as a result of a crash. Rationale: Collecting this data is necessary for evaluating the…

Ejection Code

Instructions: Indicate whether the driver was ejected from the vehicle and the degree to which they were ejected (if applicable). Definition: Indicates whether a driver and/or passenger has been completely or partially thrown from the interior of the motor vehicle, excluding motorcycles, as a result of a crash. Rationale: Occupant protection systems prevent or mitigate…

Air Bag Status

Instructions: Indicate whether airbags were deployed during the crash. Definition: The deployment status of an air bag relative to the position in the vehicle for this occupant. Rationale: This information is necessary for evaluating the effectiveness of air bags and other occupant protection equipment, especially at a time when air bags are becoming standard equipment.…

Towed From Scene

Instructions: Indicate whether the vehicle was towed and if ‘yes’, under which circumstance. Definition: The method and circumstance to which the involved vehicle left the scene. Towing assistance without removal of the vehicle from the scene, such as pulling a vehicle out of a ditch, is not considered to be towed for the purposes of…

Suspected Drug Use

Instructions: Indicate whether law enforcement suspects drug use. Definition: Indicates whether the driver or non-motorist involved in the crash is suspected by law enforcement to have used drugs. Rationale: Drug-related crashes remain a serious traffic safety problem. Identifying crashes in which drugs may have been involved will help evaluate the effectiveness of programs to decrease…

Suspected Alcohol Use

Instructions: Indicate whether law enforcement suspects alcohol use. Definition: Indicates whether the driver or non-motorist involved in the crash is suspected by law enforcement to have used alcohol. Rationale: Alcohol-related crashes remain a serious traffic safety problem. Identifying crashes in which alcohol may have been involved will help evaluate the effectiveness of programs to decrease…

BAC Test Result

Instructions: Record the BAC Test results, if administered. If results are pending, temporarily use code 6 and revise later. Definition: Indicates the presence of alcohol by test, type, and result. Rationale: Alcohol remains the most prevalent drug involved in motor vehicle crashes. Capturing alcohol concentration whenever a driver or non-motorist is tested will provide an…