Vehicle Action Prior to Crash

Instructions: Document the motor vehicle’s actions just prior to the collision. Definition: The controlled maneuver for this motor vehicle prior to the beginning of the sequence of events. Rationale: This element is important for crash evaluation, particularly when combined with sequence of events. Code Attribute Definition 1 Travelling Straight Ahead This attribute is used when…

Vehicle Configuration Code

Instructions: Indicate the vehicle’s body type/configuration. Definition: Indicates the general configuration of this motor vehicle. Rationale: This data element provides information about the general configuration of the motor vehicle that is important for evaluating the types of motor vehicles that have the most crashes and the effectiveness of various safety countermeasures. Code Attribute Definition Example…

License Restriction Code

Instructions: Record the listed restriction by the corresponding letter or code indicated on license. Definition: Restrictions assigned to an individual’s driver license by the license examiner. Rationale: This element is used for identifying whether a driver involved in the crash has limitations on their driver license. Code Attribute Definition 2 Medical Log/ Glucose Required A…

License Class

Instructions: Identify the driver’s license class as indicated on the license. Definition: A unique set of alphanumeric characters assigned by the authorizing agent issuing a driver license to the individual. Rationale: This information is mandated by FMCSA for commercial drivers. This element is critical for providing linkage between the crash and driver license files at…

Non-Motorist Condition Code

Instructions: Indicate the non-motorist’s condition at the time of the crash based on verbal or physical evidence and not on speculation alone. Definition: Any relevant condition of the individual (motorist or non-motorist) that is directly related to the crash. Rationale: This element is important for evaluating the effect that fatigue, medications/alcohol/drugs, or other conditions have…

Non-Motorist Location

Instructions: Identify the non-motorist’s location at the time of the crash. Definition: The location of the non-motorist with respect to the trafficway at the time of crash. Rationale: By the collecting the location of the non-motorist at the time of crash, this element is important for developing effective roadway design and operation, education, and enforcement…

Non-Motorist Action

Instructions: Indicate the actions made by the non-motorist just prior to the crash based on verbal or physical evidence, but not on speculation alone. Definition: The action of the non-motorist immediately prior to the crash and an indication of whether the non-motorist was walking/cycling to/from school. Rationale: By collecting the actions and circumstances prior to…

Non-Motorist Type

Instructions: Indicate the type of non-motorist involved in the crash. Definition: The type of person involved in a crash. A non-motorist is any person other than a motorist, and includes: A person on foot. A person walking, running, jogging, hiking, sitting or lying within the trafficway or on private property, etc. Persons in buildings A…

Road Contributing Circumstances

Instructions: Select the road conditions that potentially contributed to the crash. Definition: Apparent environmental or roadway conditions which may have contributed to the crash. Rationale: This element is important for identifying the existence of unusual conditions that can be useful for determining the need for additional traffic control devices or geometric improvements. It is also…

First Harmful Event

Instructions: Select the characteristic that best describes the event that caused the first harm to the vehicle/occupants. Definition: The first injury or damage-producing event that characterizes the crash type. Rationale: This element is needed for uniformity in reported motor vehicle crash statistics, understanding crash causation, and identifying possible crash avoidance countermeasures. For analytic purposes it…