
Instructions: Enter the date as MMDDYYYY. Definition: The date (month, day, and year) when the crash occurred, formatted as MMDDYYYY. Rationale: This element is important for management/administration, evaluation and linkage. Example Data Quality Audit Results Report Type Acceptable Inconsistent Invalid Empty Local Police (electronic) 352 99.7% – – – – 1 0.3% Local Police (paper)…



Instructions: Record the name of the official Massachusetts community where the crash occurred. If a small neighborhood or village exists within a larger city/town, the city/town name is preferred. Definition: The city/place (political jurisdiction) where the crash physically occurred. Rationale: This element is important for analyses of local area programs or for linkage of the…


Hazmat Release Code

Instructions: Indicate whether hazardous materials were released during the crash. Definition: This field indicates whether or not hazardous materials were released. A hazardous material is a substance or material which has been designated by the U.S. Department of Transportation, or other authorizing entity, as capable of posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety and property…


Hazmat Material 1 Digit Code

Instructions: Indicate the hazardous materials placard ID number. Definition: The hazardous materials identification class being transported by the motor vehicle, as required by Federal/State regulations to be displayed on a placard, regardless of whether it was accurate or validly displayed. Rationale: The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) devotes special attention to motor carriers that…
