
Instructions: Enter the time as HHMM, using a valid military time between 0000-2359 (code midnight as ‘0000’). Definition: The time (00:00-23:59) at which the crash occurred, formatted as HHMM. Rationale: The time (00:00-23:59) at which the crash occurred, formatted as HHMM. Example Data Quality Audit Results Report Type Acceptable Inconsistent Invalid Empty Local Police (electronic)…


Speed Limit

Instructions: Enter the posted/statutory value (miles per hour) as XX. Definition: The posted/statutory speed limit for the motor vehicle at the time of the crash. The authorization may be indicated by the posted speed limit, blinking sign at construction zones, etc. Rationale: This element is important for evaluation purposes (even though the speed of the…


Number of Vehicles

Instructions: Report the number of motor vehicles involved in the crash. Definition: The total number of motor vehicles (automobiles, single-unit trucks, truck combinations, motorcycles, etc.) that are involved in the crash. Rationale: This element provides a count of the number of motor vehicles involved in the crash without having to count the number of motor…



Instructions: Record the crash location, formatted as degrees.minutes.seconds + compass direction for both N/S and E/W. Definition: The crash location latitude and longitude coordinates, obtained by GPS or mapping. Rationale: This element is critical for problem identification, prevention programs, engineering evaluations, mapping, and linkage purposes. The location information in a crash file must be capable…
