
Instructions: Check this box if the person you are recording was operating a moped. Definition: A speed-limited motor-driven vehicle possessing two wheels in contact with the ground, a seat or saddle for driver/passenger, a steering handle bar, and a brake, with horsepower not exceeding 2 HP, which may be propelled by pedaling. Unlike motorcycles, a…


Police Type

Instructions: Select the option which best represents your law enforcement type. Definition: The type of law enforcement entity. Options include ‘State Police’ (1), ‘Local Police’ (2), ‘MBTA Police’ (3), ‘Campus Police’ (4), and ‘Other’ (97). Rationale: This data element is useful for collection, tracking and analysis. Data Quality Audit Results Report Type Acceptable Inconsistent Invalid…


Reporting Officer

Instructions: Record your signature and print your name, badge number or ID, department, precinct or barracks, and date. Definition: The personal information of the officer investigating the crash and responsible for completing the crash report form. Rationale: This data element is useful for collection, tracking and analysis. Example Data Quality Audit Results Report Type Acceptable…
