Road Contributing Circumstances

Instructions: Select the road conditions that potentially contributed to the crash. Definition: Apparent environmental or roadway conditions which may have contributed to the crash. Rationale: This element is important for identifying the existence of unusual conditions that can be useful for determining the need for additional traffic control devices or geometric improvements. It is also…


First Harmful Event

Instructions: Select the characteristic that best describes the event that caused the first harm to the vehicle/occupants. Definition: The first injury or damage-producing event that characterizes the crash type. Rationale: This element is needed for uniformity in reported motor vehicle crash statistics, understanding crash causation, and identifying possible crash avoidance countermeasures. For analytic purposes it…


First Harmful Event Location

Instructions: Select the appropriate characteristic that best describes the location of the first harmful event. Definition: The location of the first harmful event as it relates to its position within or outside the trafficway. Rationale: This element is important for identifying highway geometric deficiencies. Code Attribute Definition Example 1 Roadway The part of a trafficway…


Manner of Collision

Instructions: Enter the Manner of Collision code for the vehicles involved in the initial or first collision. Definition: The identification of the manner in which two motor vehicles in transport initially came together without regard to the direction of force. This data element refers only to crashes where the first harmful event involves a collision…
