
Indicate the non-motorist’s condition at the time of the crash based on verbal or physical evidence and not on speculation alone.


Any relevant condition of the individual (motorist or non-motorist) that is directly related to the crash.


This element is important for evaluating the effect that fatigue, medications/alcohol/drugs, or other conditions have on the crash.

Code Attribute Definition
1 Apparently Normal Indicates that in the officer’s assessment none of the Non-Motorist Condition attributes apply to this person.
2 Physical Impairment A condition that results in some decrease in  physical ability.
3 Emotional (ex: Depression, Angry) Examples include: depressed, angry, disturbed. Behaviors include: fighting, disagreements, being emotionally upset, road rage, etc.
4 Illness  Examples include: diabetic reactions, allergic reactions to medications/drugs, failure to take required medication, seizures, heart attack, high/low blood pressure.
5 Fell Asleep, Fainted, Fatigue, Etc. Indicates non-motorist experienced a temporary loss of consciousness or was in a reduced physical and mental capacity due to weariness, medication, or other drugs.
6 Under the Influence of Drugs/Alcohol/Med Indicates this person is suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This includes any legal prescription drug or over-the-counter medication such as cough syrup as well as illegal drugs of any type.
97 Other This attribute is used for a variable that is not addressed by the previous attribute options. If this attribute is used, explanation in the narrative is recommended.
99 Unknown If this attribute is used, explanation in the narrative is recommended.

Accuracy Checks

  • If this field is complete, confirm the non-motorist check box is also indicated.

Data Quality Audit Results

Report Type Complete Incomplete
Local Police (electronic) 14 73.7% 5 26.3%
Local Police (paper) 8 57.1% 6 42.9%
State Police (electronic) 3 100.0%
Total 25 69.4% 11 30.6%

The Non-Motorist Condition field was found to be appropriately complete in 69 percent of the 36 reports reviewed. The main contributor to this low number was the amount of paper submissions by local police that had an incomplete response for this field (43 percent, 6 of 14).