Instructions: Enter up to 7 digits. If not a US DOT Number, instead complete the State-issued Identification Number and State. Definition: The identification number of an individual, partnership, or corporation responsible for the transportation of persons or property as indicated on the shipping manifest. Rationale: A key way to identify potentially unsafe motor carriers is…

Carrier Name

Instructions: Record the identified Carrier Name. Definition: The identification name of the legal business entity, individual, partnership, corporation or organization that directs, controls and is responsible for the transportation of goods, property or people, likely as indicated on the shipping manifest. Motor carriers may consist of for-hire and private business entities engaged in commerce, governments,…

Property Damage

Instructions: Complete the owner, address, phone number and description of damaged property for up to two owners or types. Additional damage should be listed in the narrative with the same information. Definition: This data field is used to capture the damage of property, other than to vehicles, which occurred in the crash. This includes city,…

Non-Motorist Indicator Box

Instructions: Check this box if the person you are recording was any type of involved non-motorist. Definition: A box to indicate if the involved person, who is not an occupant of a motor vehicle in transport, is a non-motorist. A non-motorist is any person other than a motorist or occupant of a motor vehicle (pedestrians,…


Instructions: Check this box if the person you are recording was operating a moped. Definition: A speed-limited motor-driven vehicle possessing two wheels in contact with the ground, a seat or saddle for driver/passenger, a steering handle bar, and a brake, with horsepower not exceeding 2 HP, which may be propelled by pedaling. Unlike motorcycles, a…

Police Type

Instructions: Select the option which best represents your law enforcement type. Definition: The type of law enforcement entity. Options include ‘State Police’ (1), ‘Local Police’ (2), ‘MBTA Police’ (3), ‘Campus Police’ (4), and ‘Other’ (97). Rationale: This data element is useful for collection, tracking and analysis. Data Quality Audit Results Report Type Acceptable Inconsistent Invalid…

Reporting Officer

Instructions: Record your signature and print your name, badge number or ID, department, precinct or barracks, and date. Definition: The personal information of the officer investigating the crash and responsible for completing the crash report form. Rationale: This data element is useful for collection, tracking and analysis. Example Data Quality Audit Results Report Type Acceptable…

Vehicle Year

Instructions: Enter the car model year as YYYY. Definition: The year that is assigned to a motor vehicle by the manufacturer. Rationale: This element is important for identifying motor vehicle model year for evaluation, research, and crash comparison purposes. Example FAQ Is this information necessary, even on undivided, traditional two-way roads? Yes, all fields related…

Vehicle Travel Direction

Instructions: Select ‘northbound’, ‘eastbound’, ‘southbound’, or ‘westbound’ as the direction of travel. Definition: The motor vehicle’s travel direction on the roadway prior to the crash. Notice that this is not a compass direction, but a direction consistent with the designated direction of the road. For example, the direction of a State-designated North-South highway must be…