Trafficway Description

Instructions: Select the characteristic that best describes the design of the road on which this vehicle was traveling. Definition: Indicates whether the trafficway for this vehicle is divided and whether it serves one-way or two-way traffic. A divided trafficway is one in which roadways for travel in opposite directions are physically separated by a median.…

Roadway Intersection Type

Instructions: Select the characteristic that best describes the location of the crash. Definition: An intersection consists of two or more roadways that intersect at the same level. Rationale: This is important for site-specific safety studies to identify actual or potential safety problem locations. Code Attribute Definition Example 1 Not At Intersection This attribute identifies that…

Road Surface

Instructions: Record the appropriate code for road surface conditions at the time of the crash. Definition: The roadway surface condition at the time and place of a crash. Rationale: It is important to identify and correct high wet-surface crash locations and provide information for setting coefficient of pavement friction standards. This is critical for prevention…

Traffic Device Functioning Code

Instructions: Indicate that the traffic control device is not functional or missing by selecting ‘No’. If it’s operating as intended, select ‘Yes’. Definition: The functioning state of the traffic control device (TCD) applicable to this motor vehicle at the crash location. Rationale: This element needs to be collected at the scene because the confirmation of…

Traffic Control Device Type

Instructions: Indicate the type of traffic control device present in the vicinity of the crash and/or relevant to this crash, regardless whether it is functioning or missing. Definition: The type of traffic control device (TCD) applicable to this motor vehicle at the crash location. Rationale: This element needs to be collected at the scene because…

Weather Conditions

Instructions: Record the appropriate code for weather conditions at the time of the crash. Definition: The prevailing atmospheric conditions that existed at the time of the crash. Rationale: Important for management/administration and evaluation. Critical for prevention programs and engineering evaluations. Code  Definition  Definition Example 1 Clear Includes partial cloudiness if sunlight is not diminished. 2…